Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Louisville DAY 4

 Day 4 is in the books and it was the best day yet!  We did our normal schedule as the morning goes.  We woke up at 6:45, had breakfast, did devotions and headed to our sites.

  My group got to go to a different site this morning where we got to hang out with the Elderly at a site called Kling Retirement Center.  There my group engaged on many levels with the older folks but their favorite interaction was with an older guy named Marvin (not me).  He kicked their tales at Wii bowling for about an hour, then eventually Josh Grant took Marvin's pro status and then our kids started to beat him at bowling.  They loved it!

  The group for highlight today is not my group however, but my hero of a wife's group.  Many of you may not know, but Hilary is 4.5 months pregnant and she and Craig are heading up a great group of students and leading them well!  Hilary and Craig's  group: Nate Zeigler, Analese Erickson, Abby Furman, Gabriella Owens-DeMarco, Sage Wilson, Hannah Thompson, Josh Dever, Elena Matos, Joshua Thomas and Elisha Barlett were asked to be the team that stays all day with a Salvation Army Day Camp.

  They spend each day going around with these 25 students, helping to teach, lead games and hang out with them.  They've engaged with these students every work day so far and have developed great relationships with the kids.  One kid, which I continue to hear about is Sammy.  Gabriella always shares stories about Sammy and how much he loves them and church.

  I asked Hilary today who she would nominate for "student of the day" and she said two names: Josh Dever and Nate Zeigler.  She asks them everyday to develop and lead the gym time and she said they've been doing great at it!  They make up the games the kids are to play, then lead an entire hour of game time!  They are helping Hilary lead gym time because she just can't do it and says they do a great job!  I would love to show you pictures of this great work, but due to issues with the campers families, photography is strictly prohibited.

  After our work day, we headed back for free time and dinner.  We had Taco Wednesday!  After tacos, we headed to our evening event, which was a Black Baptist Church down the road.  Our kids joined right in because the service felt very close to home!  The worship time was great and the message was spot on for many of our kids: "God can't catch what you don't throw" was the title and could be boiled down to this: We are called to cast our worries, burdens and cares upon God, but if we aint throwing it, he can't catch throw you burdens to Jesus!

  Many of our teens were touched by this as well as the evening lesson titled: "Reacting Differently" Where we were challenged to react different than we normally do to life situations.  We read about the wicked servant who was freed a large debt, yet held a person to a much lesser debt.  We discussed the idea of reacting with the same grace we've been given.

  Last came my favorite part of the day/night...we broke into our church group!  Here we talked further about the lessons we learned and how we could apply them.  I was about to break into our normal small groups, but felt the Holy Spirit ask me to keep them in a big group and share what God has been doing in and through them.  I was blown away at how impacted these students have been!  God has really been growing them.  Several students stated that this week has changed their lives.  I challenged them to not let slip away the lessons they've learned here and called them out to allow God to help them live this way more than just this week.  We went late so I didn't have any interviews, but man was it worth it!!

God is doing a deep work in your teens.  Keep praying. Tomorrow is going to be a hard day physically, emotionally and spiritually.  Please pray for the teens to have good attitudes, and open hearts to hear and feel the love of the Father!

There is so much more to tell, but not nearly enough space!  Don't forget the pics at:
and the videos at


  1. Thank you for the updates! My heart swells with joy to hear all of the ways that God is working this week! To God be the glory! Please tell Denzie that we love and miss her very much and can't wait to hear all the ways that God used her this week! Dorian (her little brother) wants her to know that he did not mess up her room at all. :-). I pray that you all have a safe trip back home tomorrow. Enjoy the blessings of today!

  2. Wow! Thanks for creating this incredible opportunity for our children to learn and to serve. And I have to tell you, this is hands down, the best use of social media ever!!!

    Tell my daughter Vivian that her Aunts and Uncles are all peeking at her daily activities and are so proud her. (Also please tell her to stop making that funny face before her face freezes like that!)

    Thank all of you for demonstrating the service, humility, and love that Christ called us to. Christianity isn't a subject. It's a predicate. It doesn't define who you are, it directs and defines what you do. We are called to act. God bless all of you as you continue to live and learn by putting your faith into action.

    Tell Vivian her Dad said "Hi!"

    Kevin D. Jones


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  My last picture with Dr. Martin Sanders Two days ago, Dr. Martin Sanders passed away. I knew Martin in several capacities. A mentor of min...