Thursday, July 21, 2011

Louisville DAY 5

  Wow!  Did it really go this fast?  Day 5 is done, over, finished and tomorrow we will head home to your loving arms.  The great thing is that you are armed with so much information as to what we've been up to you will have a great starting point for conversation when they get back!

  I wish I could give my best effort explaining the day we had but I will simply talk about the evening because it was amazing and I need to get to bed!

  Tonight we engaged in a tremendous time of worship.  We sang some powerful songs and the mood in the room over all was pretty worshipful.  Then we heard a talk about loving differently and how Jesus was God but still loved others with a servant's attitude, so much so that he washed his disciples feet!

  Then, the speaker announced that the Youth Works staff were going to wash the leaders feet, then we the leaders would wash your teens feet.  When the staff washed our feet, they also prayed over us and so we leaders did the same, we prayed over your students.

  God's presence was thick and very real to your teens this evening.  Many of the leaders spoke truth over your teens and shared God's truth about them.  These truths so impacted your teens that many of them cried from how overwhlemed they were by the love of God and the meaning of God's truth to their hearts.  It truly was a touching time.

  We leaders are lucky to have your teens this week.  I am proud of each one of them, so thank you for allowing them to come, serve like Jesus and hear God's voice.  Many of your students mentioned they changed this week.  A good deeper discussion question would be "How do you think you changed this week?"  So don't be afraid to ask deep, probing questions...because you might just have your socks blessed off, I know we leaders sure did!

  Well, its a bit shorter than usual but I know you prefer I get a good amount of sleep before we hit the road.  As always, the facebook page is full of new photos, so check them out and enjoy here:

Please pray for safe travels for us tomorrow and SEE YOU SOON!!!

1 comment:

  1. BIG BOOTY! i tried to teach my family but all i got in return were weird stares


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