Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Day 3 is almost in the books.  God has done several things already today.  All of our teens have smiles on their faces and are still buzzing with energy.

  We woke up at 6:45 again this morning, and headed to breakfast.  This morning was a treat because we had biscuits and gravy as well as cereal and fruit!  Many of the students were excited for the new cuisine.  We ate, cleaned up then headed down to devotion time where we learned about acting differently because believing differently (as we learned about yesterday) should then translate into acting differently.  God spoke to our teens about this idea of acting differently and I think many did act differently!

  Today, the group for highlight is Gary Gazica and BJ Miller's group which includes: Brian Foster, Natasha Yeso, Umoja Shaw, Vivian Jones, Alisa Quemado, Michaela Sibbet, Katie Trimble, Josh Kovaly, Mikey Bliss, Will Moman, Nick Vignone and Jared Zeigler.  These folks were troopers today!  They worked with the elderly in the morning, playing checkers, pool, wii bowling and scrabble.  They hung out, chatted and enjoyed the company of those they served.  After that they moved into the 95 degree heat to mulch trees. 

   This is why I called them troopers because none of them complained and all worked hard, despite the uncomfortable conditions.  Gary highlighted Alisa Quemado especially stating "She worked harder than anyone else!"   I am so proud of this group because of their servants hearts and their amazing hard work!

  Many of the other groups have been doing amazing things as well.  My group scraped up paint, repainted some walls then hung out with some hyper kids!  Others spent all day with kids, teaching them and loving on them.

  Again, I am amazed at the hearts of our teens.  They serve with joy and even when the weather is hot and they are obviously tired, they continue to push through.  After our sites, we visited the historic Church Hill Downs Museum and learned many things about the historic site and the many races they host throughout the year. 

  Later, we headed back for pizza dinner and some free time.  Tonight, we are going to continue our talk about Acting differently where we will see in the book of Luke where some of Jesus followers acted differently and how it effected their lives for the good.

  Continue to pray for safety and for the students hearts to be ready to receive what the Lord desires to share with them!

  Below are some videos from yesterday where Mike and Gabriella share their experiences from their work sites.  Enjoy!  Don't forget to check in at www.facebook.com/acacstudentmin for more pics and www.youtube.com/picako7 for more movies (which I will put interviews on from today's activities)!  For pics from today go to: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.129950060426691.34178.100002350920814

  Thanks for the blessing of your teens this week!



  1. Thank you for the updates and the pictures. It is beautiful to hear the children talk about how they have seen God at work. I will continue to pray for all of you.
    I love you Vivian!

  2. Love to see whats going on and what God is up to Louisville. Thanks. Sending out a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little (hehehe) boy Joshua Dever. Love you and miss you Josh

  3. What a wonderful gift technology is! Thank you all for the great "Diffences" you are making in the lives of the people you are with and for seeing God at work through each of you. Keep up the amazing work. Love to G : )
    Amy Owens

  4. This blog is great! It's awesome being able to "check up" on the kids and see the wonderful things they are doing, even almost 400 miles away! My prayers have been and will continue to be that God will reveal himself in ways that He hasn't to all the teens and that they will experience Him in a way that profoundly speaks to them. Miss you lots Lala...

    Michelle Palmiere

  5. Thanks for sharing what is going on in Louisville. I've been blessed by your pictures, video clips and blog entries! :)


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