Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Silver Bullet for Church Re-opening

There is a silver bullet to all of this church chaos.

There are answers.

There are seminars.

There are articles.

There are talking heads.

There are analysts who aren't pastors, telling pastors how to lead their flock during this time.

There are now several books out by famous authors (some pastors, some not) on how to handle the "new normal" and how to "re-launch" your church.

There must be a silver bullet, right? A one-size-fits all solution to slay the beast of the "how to go about re-opening your church doors"?

Here it is. After much research. After much time in prayer. After reading every single thing I wanted to on the subject. I have the answer. I have figured out the silver bullet...

The answer? There isn't one.

That's right. There is no silver bullet and that right there is the way to slay this beast. As pastors, we are pressured by seminars, pressured by books, pressured by resource after resource. We are pressured by analysts who haven't been and never will be pastors. We hear from big famous guys on how they opened up their doors or how they are leading their churches through COVID-19. We see mega-church pastors saying that they've "unlocked" the secrets to re-launching AND the "secret to church growth in crisis".


I know several of my friends who have been doing nothing but reading articles, watching seminars, spending money on books, and neglecting the most important thing- seeking the face of God in the midst of these times. I confess myself guilty of it as well. It's hard not to feel inadequate. It's hard not to feel like a failure. It's hard not to try to soak in every resource to help you grow in this crisis. There really are some great resources, but they do not have all the answers for you and your situation. They do not have all the answers for me and my situation.

If we were to map out the time spent on reading about how to "re-open our doors" or "how to lead the church digitally" or "How to be creative over and over again so your people don't get bored" or "try this new innovative strategy" versus our time in prayer and seeking the would it compare?

I failed the test on most days...

Ruth Haley Barton, in her book Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership, says:
"These days there is such a glut of information and stimulation that it is often hard to know what to pay attention to...Amid the welter of possible distractions, leaders need time in solitude so that we can notice the things we would otherwise miss due to the pace and complexity of our lives. We need moments in our life when we let the chaos settle a bit and invite God to show us evidence of his presence...". Slowing down, finding solitude, and paying attention to Him is what's most important.

God has placed US as shepherds over our flocks, not those famous authors, speakers, seminar leaders, or church analysts.  We are the ones whom God placed here for this time, at this moment, with our churches and we must seek the face of God for OUR people.

We cannot compare nor can we judge what others are doing around us either. I've played the comparison game too much in this season and it has taught me just how dumb comparing and copying can be. My people are different than the people in NY. My people are different than my friend's people in Pittsburgh or even the town over.

I have been inundated with questions, just like any other pastor. It's been frustrating and I have searched for the right answers. I've looked at others to see what they're doing and somewhere deep inside me I want to please everyone in this season. BUT I can't and neither can you.

In this time of wondering what to do:

Pastors- give your self grace. Don't beat yourselves up.

Pastors-give your people grace; they're excited to have some sense of "normal" be possible in their lives.

Congregants- give your pastors grace; we've never been in a time like this and decisions should be prayed over, discussed, and implemented with wisdom. It won't always be the way you want it. It won't always be the way your pastor wants it.

Everyone, stop looking around and look within and also look to Him. Don't judge or condemn, celebrate with your brothers and sisters and rejoice that their leaders are following Christ as they lead their flock.

A slow door re-opening doesn't have to be viewed as faithless.

A fast door re-opening doesn't have to be labeled rash or un-safe.

As pastors, we are entrusted with our flock, not someone else's. Remember this: "Comparison is the thief of Joy" -Teddy Roosevelt. Don't let the enemy steal your joy in this season! Don't compare your situation or try to copy someone else. Be free to take time. Seek the face of your Father for YOUR flock.

As congregants, you were given you your leaders at this time. Don't rip your pastor apart or gossip about their failure to be faith-filled or failure to be cautious.

When we step back and say: There is no silver bullet to this question, we take the pressure off. God is still God. The Church has never "left".

The silver-bullet is that there is no silver bullet. Lean into Him. Get some time alone. Stop reading all the articles and books. Stop watching all webinars and PowerPoint slideshows. Just listen to your Shepherd on how to shepherd the flock He has entrusted to you...

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