Friday, December 9, 2016

Day 12 of Advent- Dec. 8th

advent-devotional-2016SORRY THIS IS A DAY LATE

Dec. 8 - Luke 3:1-18- Bobbi Perkins (CCO)

Good news is coming!  This is the message John the Baptist was bringing to the people of his day.  People were awaiting the coming of the Messiah.  John was sent to declare that He was coming soon. Yet, the message John brought was also difficult.  It showed the people the law was never a check list they could try to achieve.  John begins to reveal this to those who come to be baptized. They were looking for just another spiritual experience that could give them credibility among their peers and as children of Abraham.  John is severe in his answer “You brood of vipers”.  When asked what they should do, John gave the message that Christ would soon be delivering, that the heart is what must be examined. Do not put your hope in checking off one more thing on your spiritual to do list, but in fact, love others and do what it is just. 

It was also in this passage that people were tempted to idolize the messenger and not the one he came to proclaim.  Many asked if he were the Messiah.  John made it clear, the one who was coming was much greater than he, and the baptism the Messiah would bring was spiritual in nature.  It was this coming Messiah that would determine who was a part of the Kingdom of God.

As we approach this Christmas season, we must consider the state of our hearts.  Are we simply trying to complete a spiritual checklist without true repentance or examining our hearts?  Additionally, Christ has come and will be coming again.  Repentance is necessary. Are we willing to tell the good news of repentance, forgiveness, and freedom through Christ to those we know personally? 

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