Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cincy Day #4

Today was a long, hot day, so this post will be quite short because I am pretty tired.

  Most of our groups were out today on a field-trip for our summer day camp groups.  We saw 13 skits and watching the kids perform was very entertaining...the only problem was the heat.  Here in Cinci, we had a 99 degree day but with humidity, it felt like 104.  It was pretty sweaty all day and we had little time to really get in the shade.

  Even though this sounds, rough, it was good for my crew personally because after going to the movies yesterday the whole group kind of felt like we hadn't done much compared to the other groups, so we all agreed that this one was tough, but being stretched felt good!

  Other groups went to the elderly homes and painted a bathroom.  Still other groups worked outside in the oppressive heat pulling trees up and cutting the bush out of the way.  I think my Spotlight person for today has to be Malik Allen.  He has consistently stepped up to the plate and has worked very hard!  Joe Oliver who is in his group says that Malik has done everything asked of him plus more.  I am super impressed with him and many other teens for working hard through the day today.

  In the evening we went to a Baptist church which took some of our teens out of their element with the loud preaching and the constant standing up and sitting down the congregation would do in the middle of a message...yet for their discomfort, God was speaking to them.  Many of the teens shared a profound connection with the preacher and Andy Watkins as well as David Cranston stated they wished there was another service so they could go to it!  The preacher preached from Galatians 1 and discussed how God saved Paul, even though he was a sinner.  It was a great message for the kids to hear and a great new experience for many of them to have.  The website for the church (if you're interested) is: so you can go and check that out.

  We came back, had some church group time then enjoyed some free time right before bed.  It was a busy day and a hot day where some of the kids had a rough time dealing with the heat.  However, all in all God continued to do His work in their lives and I suspect that you will have some pretty amazing stories from your teens.  I also suspect strongly that you will see a difference in them as they come back! 

Thanks for reading these blogs!

  Stay Tuned for the last entry...tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Go GOD Go!!! Excited to hear all God's doing--we will keep praying. And by the way did I already mention what a good-lookin group of kids you have specially that kid in the pic for day 4!!!


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