Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cincy Day #3

  Today was another good day full of stretching, service and Jesus' Presence.  Our work day was short today but still very effective.

  My group went to the movies with our kids today and watched The Spiderwick Chronicles. Not your "typical" missions trip type of work but it was great time at getting to know the kids in a different type of atmosphere. Sadly, being a shortened day, after the movie we headed to our afternoon activity without being able to help the Union Baptist Kids Camp directors with the kids during lunch.

  At other sites, there was tons of weeding to be done, and some of the kids found what they labeled "snacks" which were just vegetables that were left in the garden due to the weeds.  Some of the kids plucked them out of the ground and tried to determine what type of peppers and/or vegetables they were.  David Cranston grabbed what he thought was going to be a sweet red pepper, but in fact it was a habenero!  He was regaling the guys of his masculine feet of dominating the pepper this evening and we all cracked up laughing!

  Other groups worked alongside other kids camps while they tested (like our my groups kids did yesterday) and still others worked with the elderly and a small group (Joe Oliver, Malik Allen and Joshua Kovaly) painted a bathroom.

  After we our sites, we headed to the showers at the YMCA to get freshened up for our evening activity, which was at the Underground Railroad Freedom Center.  We went on a tour of all the historical portions of this great slave abolitionists movement and learned a ton about who was involved and how it all went down.  It was very interesting and educational.

  After our time there, we headed back to the site for Taco Tuesday dinner and enjoyed a Mexican feast of nachos and tacos!  After dinner, we had a bit of free time, so we leaders took the students to Graeder's Ice Cream...this is some GREAT ice cream!  We at there and hung out for awhile.  We all highly enjoyed our ice cream then headed back to the site for our evening CLUB time where we learned how to "Be Rather Than Do". 

  Being rather than Doing is all about connecting more to God on a level that allows Him to change us from the inside out.  We sat in silence a lot and reflected on what God was saying to us...it was a good time to reflect and listen to the Voice of God.

  As I've been saying all along, I am really impressed with these students!  There has been minimal complaining and a huge attitude of service!  My hope is to bring this heart for service back to Pittsburgh!  Keep praying for our teens and their hearts, you're prayers have been amazing so far!

  Again, the website to see all the latest videos is here: http://www.youtube.com/user/picako7

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