Saturday, September 25, 2021

Overcoming- Land of Promise Study Guide

  I'm teaming up with James L. Snyder to bring back a classic book by A.B. Simpson titled The Land of Promise. We are modernizing the language and I am writing the study guide. Below is Chapter 5's (un-edited) study guide page. Hopefully, it whets your appetite for more!

Chapter 5: Overcoming

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. (Eph. 6:10-13 ESV)

When we enter the Land of Promise, that is not the end of all conflict. In fact, as we grow in the Lord, and become more of a threat to the enemy, the more the enemy will seek to derail us and our progress. Nothing frightens Satan more than a follower of Christ continually renewed in the Presence of the Lord. As we look at our own inheritance in Christ, we easily note that the Holy Spirit and His Presence in our lives are cornerstones to that inheritance. If the enemy of our souls can remove us from the Presence and dependence upon the Spirit, he can more easily derail our faith, trick us into giving into temptation or hamper our faith in some other way. Simpson reminds the believer: “A life of victory is not a life of freedom from the attacks of the enemy. He is always ready to spring upon us, and there can be no victory without conflict. The greater advances we make, the more sin and Satan resist us” (p. 70).

When the Israelites entered the Land, the real conflict began as they had to take the land by force as directed and empowered by the Lord. Enemy armies were in their land of promise. They could not allow them to remain, lest they be led astray. Their enemy, also the enemy of their inheritance needed to be crushed.

The passage in Ephesians 6:10-13 reminds us of our need to be prepared for battle and gives practical steps in arming ourselves for the battles we will face. We cannot walk in this world as if we are not at war, for then we will be unprepared and will end up getting wounded in battle. Much of this chapter on Overcoming has been both convicting and challenging to me personally. One-piece, in particular, hit me hard in my spirit. Simpson states: “There is no use in attempting to fight the foe outside until the foe within the citadel is conquered…if your sin remains, it will surely defeat you” (p. 75).  This reminds me instantly of James 1:14-15, which states: “But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown, brings forth death” (James 1:14-15, ESV). We cannot blame everything on the devil. If we are not allowing the Spirit of the Lord to kill the evil desires within us, we are easy prey for the enemy, even if we are walking in much of our land of promise. I have seen this true in my own life and I implore you, deal with the sin within before you try to fight the enemy without. It is as Simpson stated: “Have you failed in a certain place in your life? Be sure you will be tested in that same place again. You cannot go on till you have had victory there” (p. 76). WOW!

Also highlighted in this chapter was Joshua’s biggest failure, which transpired in Joshua 9, known as the Gibeonite Deception. There, the Gibeonites pretended to be from a far-off land with layers of deception. Joshua and the elders took them at their word and the most convicting verse in the section states: “So the men took some of their provisions but did not ask counsel from the Lord” (Joshua 9:14, ESV). Joshua did not seek the Lord’s favor or ask His blessing. Joshua acted on his own wisdom and paid a hefty price for his failure. Simpson’s main takeaway from this, for us, comes when he states: “The only secure place to be is in constant communication with Him” (p. 78). When the enemy attacks, when our own evil desires come to the forefront, and when temptation comes our way, may we first turn to the Lord and seek His counsel. May we not strive in our own power or lean onto our own wisdom, but may we seek Him, His favor, His blessing, His guidance, and walk-in His power. The enemy is stronger than we are, but He is not stronger than the Lord!

As we finish Simpson’s chapter on Overcoming, another convicting word comes to us, not unlike the previous one mentioned before, yet it is a profound word we must recognize. Simpson states: “The only way the Lord can destroy the evil in us is by letting it come out and show itself to us. These hard places we come to so often in life are of the Lord. He is deeply interested in the slaying of the evil” (p. 80). When your deep, sinful desires manifest themselves, there is good in this and the good comes with knowing your enemy. The enemy within lays dormant, hidden, secret, and in the shadows of our souls. When that enemy within rears his head and we recognize the evil desires within us, we can admit them, confess them, and allow the Lord to slay them.

This is reminiscent of a scene in C.S. Lewis's book Voyage of the Dawn Treader, where Eustice a mean, angry, self-righteous boy turns into a dragon. Aslan, the good king tells Eustice he can rip the dragon skin off and renew him to his former self. Eustace resists at first because of the pain the clawing will cause, but in the end, allows Aslan to rip away the dreaded dragon skin. Our inner, secret, sinful desires are the very same. We must allow the Lord to rip the sinful skin off. It will hurt, but we will be renewed and restored!


1. How easy is it for you to forget you are in a constant spiritual battle?

2. When was a time, like Joshua, you neglected to consult the Lord? How did that go for you?

3. What are some inner enemies that need slayed?

4. What has been your best strategy for overcoming the enemy?

5. What blocks you most from being in constant communication with the Lord?

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