
What Good is Jesus?  seeks to answer the deep questions many in the younger generations are asking. How can Jesus be good when there is racism, sexism, anti-homosexual rhetoric, and political upheaval all from people who declare their love for a loving Savior? This is Marv's bestselling and flagship book! What Good is Jesus? is published by Ambassador International and is available NOW!  

Purchase here: What Good is Jesus? (AMAZON)

As older church leaders, we’ve been told a million times that the Millennials and Gen Xers who are coming up behind us don’t think like we think. We don’t get it and it frustrates us. It’s up to us to mentor and empower the generations that follow us into church leadership. Sadly, many of us are doing just the opposite; we’re turning them away. We need to release our young leaders…release them to be the leaders they know they can be. Unleash provides thought-provoking ideas and practical, real-time examples that will help us learn to know, equip, and expectantly release our younger church leaders into the future with trust and confidence. This is Marv's heart and passion on paper! Unleash is published by both Abingdon Press and Foundry Publishing

Purchase here: Unleash Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders (FOUNDRY)

The Land of Promise with Study Guide. Simpson called us to love the Author of the Word and to return to our first love. We need the Deeper Life; the world needs a church that is going after their full inheritance! To put it simply- we’ve been lazy in our pursuit of all we’ve been promised, and Simpson points this out to us in this book and challenges us to make a course correction in our Christian walk. This is an A.B. Simpson classic that I've modernized and strengthened by a chapter-by-chapter study guide. 

Purchase NOW: The Land of Promise PaperBack 

The Land of Promise Kindle

This eBook written by Marv Nelson and Chris Folmsbee will provide you with essential insights regarding how Millennials view mentoring and why they consider it to be a very important part of their life. Successful mentoring requires understanding the mindset of Millennials. When you do, you will be able to more easily offer individual mentoring as well as create a culture where mentoring Millennials is a high priority. Through this process, you can connect with and influence those who are impacting the church today and will continue to impact the church in the years to come. This is a GREAT tool full of excellent research. It also serves as a proof text for Unleash

Email me for inquiry: 

Pinocchio vs. the Real Boy
 is a call to all of us youth workers to be real and let go of the masks we wear. We struggle on our own too often, neglecting to get rid of the junk in our hearts and lives, which leads to unhealthy ministry and teens who are disillusioned. Pinocchio vs. the Real Boy is a guide to authentic living and teaching that will enable us to start healthy, stay healthy, and teach healthy. As a result, we will be better equipped to encourage teens to know God loves them as they are, but He loves them too much to leave them that way. 
Pinocchio vs. the Real Boy is Marv's freshman book and was published by RevPress

The Anchored Life- Nautical Principles that Help Believers Grow
This book is co-authored by nautical author Tim Hibsman and is a devotional that leverages the nautical themes in the Bible and shows the believer how those principles can help them grow both as a follower of Christ and as a leader for Christ. It is now available! The Anchored Life Pre-Order

The Liberated Life- Breaking the Power of Fear
This book points to the fear-driven living many believers find themselves in and it offers solutions from Scripture, on how to overcome these fears and live as believers (and churches) who walk in freedom. (MANUSCRIPT WRITING PHASE)

Pal and Sal and the Great Unicorn Adventure
This is a fun, Children's book inspired by Marv's nightly stories with his daughter Amelia. Written by Marv and illustrated by Mulango Akpo-Esambe. Shopping phase.

What people are saying about Marv's books:

"A fresh voice with humble heart takes us on a journey of discovery. Marv asks us to re-consider Jesus and what he may mean to us in this day and this culture, I loved Marv's personal stories, and his ability to help us see the potential connection of Jesus' story to our own story.” — Len Kageler, Ph.D., author of Youth Ministry in a Multifaith Society

Marv Nelson doesn’t believe all the stereotypes and caricatures doing the rounds about Millennials. He believes people are responsible when given responsibility, dignified when given dignity, and respectful when respected. And he knows that unleashing young leaders must come from an accurate awareness of their emotional, mental and spiritual capabilities plus the right amount of equipping, encouragement and trust. This book is a valuable resource.   Michael Frost, author, Surprise the World

“I have called senior pastors to begin turning over their leadership to the next generation for the health and survival of the church. Marv Nelson has taken this plea the next step and explained how this can be done successfully. This is a timely, practical, and urgent book for all senior pastors of churches. If such action is not taken it is unlikely that the evangelical church will survive.” — David John Seel, Jr., author of The New Copernicans: Millennials and the Survival of the Church.

...Marv captures well the skepticism, honest inquiry, and distinct value base of his generation. He models well how leaders, by asking questions, can find greater responsiveness and receptivity. He follows the teaching model of Jesus who often created teaching moments by phrasing an insightful question. "  From the forward by  Warren Bird, Ph.D. Seminary professor, author/co-author of 28 books, research director at Leadership Network

"In What Good is Jesus?, Marv Nelson creates a necessary conversation that we need to be having with Millennials in our churches. With bold transparency, Marv explores the beauty of who Jesus is while addressing cultural challenges for young and old alike. I'm thankful for this book personally and believe it will have a significant impact on our churches in the U.S."- Tim Meier, Former Director of Envision, now Vice President of the Christian and Missionary Alliance

"In a wonderfully creative way, Tim Hibsman and Marvin Nelson use nautical themes to illuminate God’s Word and navigate the reader on a course of Christian growth and healing. This refreshing book is practical, easy to read, and enjoyable. This will be a valuable resource for every Church’s discipleship program".

Ron Walborn, Dean of Alliance University and Alliance Theological Seminary, New York City

I am completely weary of dismissive and demeaning articles and books focused on the weak, lazy, entitled character of Millennials and Gen Z. They come off as retreads of the same old dismissive stuff older generations have whinged about younger generations for pretty much all time. This book is different -- it's helpful and hopeful, not pollyanna, but pragmatic. I'm glad to have a book to recommend to people leading younger generations into their full capacities. - Mark Oestreicher, Partner, The Youth Cartel

"Marvin Nelson’s Unleash is a much-needed literary voice in the wilderness of those who are huffin’ and puffin’ about the spiritual frailty and characteristic failures of the Millennial generation. With incredible wisdom, fierce compassion, and deeply pastoral sensibilities, Marvin beautifully challenges and shows us how to call, equip, speak life into, and Unleash our future leaders. With down-to-earth examples and practical life-giving principles, we can learn how to patiently love the Millennial generation into emotionally mature, Spirit-led pioneers into the complex matrix of a 21st century, a pluralistic minefield. Well done, Marvin! Well done!" Mark Karris, author of Religious Refugees

I know very little about navigation. I didn't take it seriously when I first began reading this book, THE ANCHORED LIFE, I thought it was a kid-friendly satire of the truth. My views began to change as I read the book. I may not be nautically literate, but as I read the book, I began to see that it was more significant than I had first thought. This book will have a significant impact on a lot of people. Dr. James L. Snyder, Author of the best-selling In Pursuit of God: The Life of A.W. Tozer

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