Thursday, January 19, 2017

What Good is Jesus Turns One

One year ago, my most recent book What Good is Jesus?  was launched in e-book format (later in paperback as well).  It was an amazing feeling to see something launch that I spent a lot of time working on.  The response was also very encouraging.  I received a ton of great feedback from unknown people in the comments on the books amazon page.  Encouragement also came from people in person that know me and were blessed and encouraged by the book.  The most meaningful response came from a man in jail who read my book and was deeply impacted by it.  He wrote me a letter from jail to let me know just how deeply God was speaking to him through the book.

God has blessed me tremendously with many different opportunities to speak about the book as well as the topic of Millenials in general.  I have an new e-book I co-wrote with Chris Folmsbe coming out soon titled Mentoring Millenials and will be blogging for the company he founded called Think Burlap.  I also have a few speaking engagements lined up throughout the summer. All of these opportunities have come from getting the book and my thoughts out there.

To celebrate the "birthday" of What Good is Jesus? I wanted to give you an offer you can't refuse.  I want to give you my book for FREE. You can receive this FREE copy by simply commenting below (or on social media).  I will give 10 hard copies away and an e-book for anyone who comments!  You decide which you want.  I don't want the momentum of the book to be lost.  If the book speaks to you, you can share the book with others or direct them to the sites where they can purchase the book.  For a full list of places it can be purchased click HERE. Share this blog and help me give away some books!

Thanks and I hope you enjoy the book.


  1. Interested in checking this out.

  2. Would you like an e-copy or hard copy?

  3. I would love to read this, Marv!

  4. Would you like a hardcopy or e-book? And how would you like me to deliver it to you?

  5. Would love to check out a hard copy your book, Marv! And then will be happy to pass it along and share!

  6. Email me at :)


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