Saturday, December 3, 2016

Day 7 of Advent- Dec. 3rd

advent-devotional-2016Dec. 3 - Luke 21:25-36- Jared Cave (CCO/LIVING Ministry)

Do you have something you are excited for in the near future? Graduation? Wedding? Vacation? New Car? Anticipation of things to come shapes the way we face our present circumstances. Hard struggles become insignificant to the greater joy ahead and good times become motivation to persevere for the future. The current things seem insignificant to the future excitement. In this passage I think Jesus wants His audience to remember the future promises of God in the midst of good and bad times they will face. I believe Jesus wants their anticipation for the restored creation to carry them through. 

I am in a season of life where I am eagerly awaiting something big, the birth of my first child. My day to day ups and downs have begun to pale in comparison to this wonderful new thing in my future. I am struck, more than ever, with the realization that who I am now will dictate more about who I will be as a father. This leads me to spending time and effort caring for my child by caring for my wife. This causes me to spend personal time working on projects in preparation for the baby. My anticipation of this new thing changes everything about my current reality. 

The thing that reminds me most about this future reality are the ultrasound appointments. At these appointments we get to see this tiny person move around while still growing inside of my wife. This puts both of us in awe at how God makes new life possible. This for me is what the advent season is for. Taking still and quiet moments to remind ourselves that there is a promise of new life that is full and abundant. That this promise is imminent hinging upon the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This reminder should change how we view our present reality and change the priorities of our actions. 

How does the promise of complete restoration from Jesus change how you view your present suffering? 

What should you do differently now in light of this future promise? 


Sovereign God, 

When the world is crashing down around me remind me that you are in control and are bringing new life and creation into existence. When I received blessings don’t let me be distracted from the complete blessings that are still awaiting us. And in this season of advent, make my words and actions displays of this good news about the coming of your son Jesus Christ. AMEN

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