Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Day 10 of Advent- Dec. 6th

advent-devotional-2016Dec. 6 - Psalm 94 (The Sustained Wait)- Jasmin Rouse (InterVarsity)

When faced with oppression, our first question is often “Where is God?” It is hard to believe that God could be present when the wicked prosper at our expense. We may remind ourselves that the Lord fights for us and repays the wicked. But when faced with chronic oppression, we become weary and wonder if God even sees their wickedness or hears their flagrant boasting and mocking of him.

Oppression can feel like a lonely place - a place in which God has forsaken you. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

God sees.

God hears.

God keeps you.

The wickedness that surrounds you hasn’t fallen on deaf ears or blind eyes. God has seen all of their actions, heard their all their prideful taunts, and is aware of all their plans. He is taking it all in. He has taken notice. God is present and waiting. And just as we need to be reminded that God sees and hears, so do the wicked. We shouldn’t boast about God coming to destroy them, but warn them about their lack of wisdom. Remind them that the Judge of the Earth disciplines. And do so with grace, for it’s the Lord’s desire for everyone to be saved. (1 Tim 2:4) And should they choose to continue down their path, know that the Lord will sustain you in the midst of oppression. Allow him to keep your foot from slipping off the path of righteousness, lest you become like the evil you cry out against. Let him ease your worries, as you watch the wicked gain and lord their power over the weak. And run to him as your refuge, for he is your fortress.

Oppression may feel like a lonely place, but God hasn’t rejected or forsaken you.

God, in all his sovereignty, is actively waiting to move by sustaining you. So take heart, because the Lord is a God who avenges and he will come to repay.


Father, remind me that you have taken note of the evil around me and help me to see the ways in which you are sustaining me in the wait.

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