Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Paris Day #4

IMG_6377Yesterday was a pretty incredible day.  We spent the majority of our time, learning more about our Envision leaders, being taught h0w to be a part of the ESL meetings as well as personally interacting in conversations with different folks.  The desire of Genesis to create a safe space to learn another language is being fulfilled and many people find community there.  It truly is a blessing to be a part of.  There are many stories that could be told, but before we delve into them, I'd like you to hear from Jen, my co-leader for this trip.  She's been a great leader and asset for our team!!

"First and foremost, I would like to extend my gratitude to those of you who have been following Marv's blog, have been praying for us and for showing the team encouragement in various ways. There have been many instances when we have felt spiritual oppression trying to get in the way of our ministry here, but we know God has already defeated the darkness and by His provision and strength we are overcoming these times.

" I am both humbled and honored to be working along side of Marv and team Aletheia. Working with this group has allowed me to see just how dedicated these young adults are to following their faith and serving others. Each one of them holds unique gifts that have been displayed throughout this trip thus creating opportunities for them to serve, step out in boldness, form friendships and more. I look forward to the rest of my time here with the entire team, Marv included, as his leadership is one to be admired! I am also excited to see where the Lord takes us from here."- Jen Armenis 

IMG_6386It has been a great experience learning how to get around Paris as well as interacting with some great people.  Yesterday, our students had fun and sometimes deep conversations with people from the ESL class.  One group of girls headed to a park to talk more with an older Polish woman who was there to learn more English. She in turn taught the ladies Polish. These girls jumped right in with this lady and developed a fun relationship which they will continue on Thursday.

Another one of our students had a great conversation with another young fellow about his own age.  Helping in the ESL class has been a highlight for our students, because it brings about the opportunity to learn more French, learn more about French culture, share their own American culture as well as engage with some great people.

I myself had a very interesting conversation with a lady not from the ESL class.  She shared with me about her Buddhist faith and so I too shared about my faith in Jesus.  She was quite curious as to what I believed and was genuinely surprised at "my way" of telling  the Gospel story due to it being very different than what she grew up as a "cultural Catholic".  We talked about such things for roughly 45 minutes.  The crazy thing is, not only was she not apart of the ESL class, she had no intention of learning about the ESL class but came simply to proselytize. Yet all things can be worked out for the good, AMEN?


IMG_6370Finally, let me finish this post by stating why this blog is late.  Late last night (Paris time), one of our students became ill and was having a lot of trouble.  She is now stable and as of now doesn't need to go to the hospital.  PLEASE pray for her health.  As soon as we got here, she jumped right in, sang in the church worship band and was one of the most excited for the trip.  She's been sleeping all day today to recover...pray that she does.  We serve a mighty God and a God that heals.  I ask for your prayers to lift her up and ask boldly for her healing.

We clearly are unwanted by our adversary.  Pray for a hedge of protection over us.  Many things have been thrown into our path in order to discourage us, but God has been the Victor. Pray His victory continues.  Also, please pray for the families of those on this trip. It has been my experience that if the enemy can't attack the team, he will go after their families.  Thank you for your love and prayers!



  1. Lord Jesus, Your name is above all names and its in YOUR name that we ask for healing for the girl who is sick on the team. We ask believing and praise YOU in our receiving! Your power is great and defeat all! In Jesus name we command satan to leave this team and all its family members alone!!! We have the victory in Christ and we are claiming it! I pray for that polish lady the girls came across - Holy Spirit wrestle deep within her soul- speak to her clearly that Jesus is the answer to what she seeks- as well as for the lady Marv spoke with. Oh God move in a mighty way like never before!! We will give you the praise Lord! In Jesus Name, AMEN!!
    Oh I can hardly wait to hear what God is going to do and is doing right now!
    Blessings upon you all. He is right there with you, leading you, filling you and protecting you!! You are blessed because of the sweet message you bring...keep on bringing it!!

  2. Καλησπέρα {Good Evening} Hope your day of ministry was blessed I was wondering how Student who was sick feeling? Lots of love &Blessings from Elizabeth of Pittsburgh


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