Monday, July 4, 2016

Thoughts on Time Travel

Recently time travel came to mind. I was thinking about Back to the Future and how it was such an iconic and prophetic film series. 

The story line of Biff entered my mind and how he leveraged his access with the book of sports history. He then remade his whole life narrative by having this book, by betting on the games...knowing he'd win. 

I realized that this is a common desire of many- to go back into time and change their narrative. Now, we may not desire financial change necessarily (maybe we do), yet we could all look at our past and desire a redo. 

  I fear that we (myself included) wish these experiences away many times and don't take the time for really soak in what we can learn from them. Yes we must grieve and yes many times we need to be healed. However there are deep things we can learn from those things we wish we could change from our past.

  Maybe this is too much of a Sci-Fi ideal, but I don't think God would ever give us the capacity to rewrite our history. Time travel I don't believe will ever be a reality, no matter how hard we try because God knows we needed those lessons to grow us and teach us. 

 The statement: "hindsight is 20-20" really rings true if we allow ourselves to focus on the past and allow it to grow us- not matter how painful it may have been.

May we be people who do not wish away our past like Biff, but rather people who leverage our past for our growth!

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