Thursday, May 5, 2016

What if: Clinton Vs. Trump?

whatif  As it has happened that no other Republican candidate is alive in the hunt and it appears that Bernie Sanders may not win the Democratic nominations, I've been wrestling with the possibility of Clinton Vs. Trump.  What on Earth is a Christian to do?  Much less a Christian leader? Neither of these two candidates seem trustworthy, honest, fair or just.  One seems like a cartoon character and the other a fugitive.  One is a known racist, sexist and over all jerk, while the other has many people asking about certain email issues.  One is a business person while the other has grown up publicly in politics and has dealt with much pain in that endeavor.

I fear many Christians and Christian leaders fail to remember God in the process.  I don't mean they forget to invoke God's name as they endorse a candidate while getting paid a hefty fee to do so.  I mean that they (we) forget that God is in the process already.  He has a choice in the matter and we should be on our knees seeking what that is.

As it comes to that issue, there are Scriptures that I've been led to and believe will help us all in our quandary on whom shall I vote for.

The first one is Romans 13:1, which states: "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God."

As I've been reading this verse and praying about what it means for this election, I've been getting the sense that when I pull up to the voting booth (and even before), my responsibility is to simply ask: "God, who are YOU appointing?" Whether I like it or not, He's in control and whether we think our vote "changes things", God is ultimately the appointer of all of our leaders.

This means He appointed Nero, whom the audience of Romans was well aquatinted with let me remind you.  Paul most likely was writing this during Nero's reign! He's declaring to the believers then that the King who murderously slaughters them and lights them on fire to be human torches was in fact appointed by God.  Rome had reaped what it was sowing and it received Nero.

With these terrible options, our nation may too be reaping what it has sown. So, I'm convicted to "pull the lever" as it were, not with my desired vote cast (because I just wouldn't vote) but to ask His Spirit what to do and seek whom He is appointing. I know that may sound far-fetched but with this there is peace in my heart. I may think the other person is the "lesser of two evils" but maybe God is saying: I'm appointing the eviler of the two...let me do as I please, not as you please. In this, I do believe we can help adjust the mind of God however.  God had a desire in Exodus to wipe out the Israelites and use Moses to start anew.  Moses begged God not to.  As you look at the candidates and say: "They look like the appointed leader, OH GOD NO!"  I believe God does hear that.  This may sound like a contradiction but I assure you it is not.  I may do a follow up blog on God's definite will and his moveable will...but that's another time.

The next few verses that have been weighing on me are these: 1 Peter 2:13-17 which states: "Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor."

God is my one True King, but I am to honor the king (or President) here and now, NO MATTER WHO IT WILL BE. This is how we as believers will stand against the rest of the American people...being people who honor despite our utter despair at who it may be that is President.  We have not done this well these past 8 years, but we can do it now.  We must return to this way of living in a country because we are to desire our countries good.  We then are to seek the goodness of our country, states and cities by being good citizens.

My Final point comes off of this point seeking the comes from Jeremiah 29:7 "But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to theLord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare." I believe we are to seek the good of our country.  What's good for all people? Who would bring the most peace to all men?  What would bless our country most?  These are questions we must ponder as well, since God is the appointer, yes we are also stewards in this. I also believe, as I mentioned in a podcast I'm a part of- Post Christian Pastors episode #2 "Versus" we must also seek to see which candidate is able to have the best chance at dealing with other foreign leaders.  Who will be best for the world?

May we seek His appointment, petition deeply and then may we honor whom He installs.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Well said Marvin! I too have been struggling about these issues on who to vote for... To be subject to our country's leadership. What really tugged at my heart was how you described the Holy Spirit laying on your heart to wrestle this for you by submitting in prayer who do you want to put into office God? So- I've changed my mindset and will endeavor to pray for this revelation and to be guided by the Holy Spirit on this one! Thanks for sharing such profound insight!


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