Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Trusting the Sovereignty of God

god-is-totally-sovereign    We would do well as Christians to remember this one powerful reality: God is Sovereign.  Sovereignty can be defined as: "Supreme power or authority".  God being sovereign then means that he rules and reigns over everything. We fret too easily these days and allow our circumstances to become fear inducing issues in our lives, when they needn't be.  Look at the life of Isaiah.

READ Isaiah 6:1-8:

   Here we see that The presence of God brings comfort because there we see His Sovereignty! (vs. 1-3).

King Uzziah was dead, and for Isaiah this was sad news. Uzziah was a good king for the majority of his reign. He reigned for 52 years and although he was no David, he sought mostly to do right in the eyes of the Lord. For Isaiah, a man who cared deeply about both the people of God and the following of God’s ways, he knew this was depressing news, for the king in line after Uzziah was not a man of God.

Isaiah’s depression over this affair may have been what drew him to seek after the Lord in the first place. What Isaiah describes next is telling. He sees God high and lifted up on His throne, reigning and ruling. Despite what just happened on earth, God was still sitting on His throne. To comfort Isaiah, this was the image he needed to see. This shows us that the presence of God can comfort us as well. No matter what is happening in our lives, God is still on the throne. We must continue to notice:

God’s sovereignty cannot be thwarted by our circumstances.

The problem comes when circumstances are rough, the enemy then whispers in our ears to run from the presence of God...to run from the very thing that can truly bring us comfort. We hear lies such as: “If God was really in control why would He let that happen?!” Yet, the enemy knows when we seek out the presence of our Father and we truly rest at His feet, we will receive comfort. We may not receive all the answers, but we will receive comfort. Our circumstances may not even change, but being in His presence we know we are safe, we know we are OK, no matter what. God’s comforting presence has the power to keep us no matter who’s in the White House. God’s comforting presence has the power to keep us no matter who’s in the CEO’s chair of our companies. God’s comforting presence has the power to keep us no matter what’s going on in our lives! Isaiah was about to deal with a terrible ruler, but was comforted knowing God was still ruling and reigning in Heaven.

Taking time to be in the presence of the Lord and truly seek to see Him as He is, ruling and reigning...will do our hearts, minds and souls a lot of good.   I've seen so much fear mongering by evangelicals about the Trump and Sanders campaigns that I'm already tired of election year.  We forget that God is in control.  I can hear the argument now: "Just because God is in control, doesn't mean we sit back and do nothing! We need to be heard!"  Maybe our political opinions about the candidates and whatnot should be heard...but to endorse fear, or to state things like: "I'm moving to Canada if he becomes President" are just asinine and faithless.  We need to stop allowing our circumstances to rule how we live.  It doesn't matter whether it's the political landscape or any other circumstances that may be in our lives...we need to lean into the reality that God still rules and reigns.  When we do this, we will receive comfort and we will receive a brighter hope!

Just keep reminding yourself of this: God’s sovereignty cannot be thwarted by our circumstances. In fact, nothing can thwart the sovereignty of God!

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome. Thanks Marvin. As I am going through a personal issue I need to remember this as well.


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