Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Jesus asks Simon a Question

questions of jesusIn the book of John,  Jesus asks a lot of questions.  He never asked a stupid or pointless question either.  Each time Jesus asked a question, it had a probing purpose and was always on the mark.   I desire to, over the next few months highlight many of the questions Jesus asked in the book of John and see how they intersect with our lives.  The second question comes from John 1:42

"So you are Simon, the Son of John?"

Jesus has a lot of puzzling questions that he proposed in the book of John.  This second question from the text is no different.  Andrew, one of the first followers of Jesus, goes and brings his brother to Jesus.  Andrew is excited about Jesus and even though he's been with Jesus a short time, he believed his old mentor- John the Baptist about who Jesus was.  We see this, because, in bringing his brother Simon to meet Jesus he exclaimed: "We have found the Messiah".

Andrew brings Simon before Jesus and this is when Jesus asked the question above.  It's a question about identity. It's a question about a possible "reputation" that preceded Simon; sort of like: "Oh, YOU'RE Simon huh?"  If I were Simon, I might be feeling a little defensive.  "Yeah I'm Simon!  What have you heard about me to make you ask such a question!?"  Yet, Jesus is not trying to offend, but setting up the next statement: "You shall be called Cephas (which means Peter or Rock)".

He does an instantaneous renaming of Simon, which means "he who hears" to Peter; "the rock".  In essence, he is saying: "Simon is who you were, but now that you have met me, you will become your truest self- Peter".   Simon didn't immediately go to "Peter" after this though  He needed to first believe he was who Jesus said he was, then he had to walk in that new name.

I think Jesus will be, has or is asking us a similar question.

"Is this who you are?; So this is the real you?"

After we meet Christ face-to-face, we are changed.  We literally can't go back to who we were.  Take a moment and ask yourself if you are truly living the life of the truest YOU.  When you came face-to-face with Christ (if you did) were you changed?  If not, I'd consider getting face-to-face again.  We can not stay the same once we've been in His Presence.  If you look at yourself now and say: "There has to be more", I tell you there is and it is in Him.  Nothing else will satisfy the craving but the Presence of the Lord in your life.

Ask yourself the question Jesus asked Simon.

"Is this who you are?"


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