Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Everything is Meaningless

meaningless  I've come to a place in my life, where I can agree with the author of Ecclesiastes when he said: "I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind" (Ec. 1:14 ESV).


I may have said that I agreed with him before in theory but the more I dwell on what this world has to offer, I actually agree in reality that it really is all meaningless, a striving after wind if you will.  When one reflects on the human condition it is a depressing reality to behold.  Men and women alike striving for significance, and will stop at nothing to attain this goal.  If thought about a part from God, this significance only lasts until your death. It may stretch through history but for the individual personally it was meaningless because that individual would then be gone.

When one looks at this life through the lens of all of it being a mere accident or chance causes one to feel even more meaningless.  When taken to this logical conclusion then we are all accidents and the only thing we will have to show for this cosmic mishap is our conduct...or our pleasure.  Many opt for the even more meaningless road (if there can be such a thing) of simply living, not for themselves to have significance to anyone else but, simply living for the momentary pleasures they can achieve at any given time.  What one is left with then is a constant pleasure-hop; never being fully satisfied.  The current American culture feeds off of this individual with its ads, displaying the beauty and necessity of the objects or food they have to sell.  It's "the best thing" until their next and latest model comes out of course.  Although this sounds ridiculous, we eat it up because there is a deep desire for life to mean something.

This all leads back to chasing after the wind.  It is futile.  There is no meaning.  Without meaning there is also then no hope.  Simply selfish people living selfish lives for the sake of themselves.  What a boring, nasty place to live in.  This however is what we see apart from God. God breathes purpose and meaning into this life.  He gives comfort for the broken, healing for the hurting and life to the dead.  With Him being real, we know we were made, designed and thought through.  For there to be a designer, we then must be the design.  We were thought about, then created.

The aspect of there being a Creator to some is not an idea that is liked, because if there is one that means there is meaning and purpose...which leads to rules to be followed.  This then takes them out of the King's seat and forces them to obey a ruler.  In the world of them being an accident they are the ruler and the world is their subject.  Yet, if this is the case and all are accidents and all are then rulers of their own one is really a ruler.  Not everyone can be King.  We then see anarchy and chaos. An individual can then make up their own rules.  Rape would be OK for some, so they rape.  Sex slavery is ok for some, so they enslave (mostly) women to be their slaves who earn them cash by having sex with people who will pay.

If we are to follow the way of us being accidents and to truly follow the path of having no higher authority than ourselves, we must then confess there should be no rules or regulations.  We can't have it both ways.  If we are truly trying to create a super human race in terms of evolution the way it is laid out, rules and regulations as well as compassion would cease to truly be a reality.

These are a few of my personal musings.  A journal entry of sorts that I felt compelled to share.

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