Sunday, July 17, 2011


We did it! We’re safe and all are getting ready for bed. The ride up was wonderful, scenic and fun. We sang songs, played games, and had an all around great trip to Louisville, KY.

On the road, we only stopped 3 times. The first stop was a 12 minute…YES only 12 minutes (your kids rock) rest room break. The second was a lunch at Wendy’s, which when put all on one bill equaled a long receipt!! The third stop was one more rest stop and we were in Louisville by 5pm! We stayed the speed limit, saw no accidents and hit mild traffic near Cincinnati, OH.

God has been so good so far! Getting here safely, having good fellowship in the car and eating a wonderful meal of Pulled Pork and Mac & Cheese…I told the kids MJ would be so upset knowing I ate “Maceeroni”!

After dinner, we headed into our club time where we learned the theme of this week, which is “Be Different”. We read from Luke 6:27-31 where Jesus challenged his disciples to be different in the way they treat each other and their enemies. After our club time of great worship and good intro message, we headed into our church group time where we challenged your teens to step up to the plate and be mature and to hear and see God this week. I specifically called out the new 8th graders to be leaders and to show the younger group what being on a missions trip is all about. We then broke into smaller groups where we talked about how we try to fit in and how we can try to be different. We then prayed as small groups and headed to bed.

Pray for tomorrow as we embark on our first service projects. Some of us will be building and working with the elderly. Others of us will be working with the inner-city kids at a summer day camp and still others of us will be working with refugee kids teaching them English. Pray for strength and a strong desire to see God in their life as well as the lives they are working with.

To see up to date photos and videos make sure you visit


  1. Great News to hear you all arrived safely!! What a great bunch of kids! Praying for tomrrow.

    Shout out to Joshua Thomas!!!

  2. So glad the trip down was safe. Praying all will have the desire to "Be Different" Looking forwaed to pictures. :)

  3. Glad to hear that you all made it safely. Can't wait to hear how the first day went!

    Love you Denzie!

  4. I shared all the love with your kids! Keep commenting when you can, it helps us to know you're reading and seeing what's going on!


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