Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cincy Day #1

Today was the first day of our Cincy Trip.  We all said goodbye to our families, hopped in the vans and drove away through 4 states (PA, WV, OH and KY) and arrived safe and sound at our site.

  We had no problems except a bit of traffic (only in Pittsburgh though...go figure!) on our way to Cincy.  We stopped only twice, one to eat and one for restrooms.  The girls ate at McDonald's and the boys ate ate Wendy's. 

  When we arrived to our site, we were a bit late but it didn't matter because another church had still not shown up yet.  We unpacked our stuff then headed into dinner.  After dinner the leaders and teens were briefed on all the weeks happenings, then we had a club time.

  We heard of our need to become less and Jesus to become more.  We heard about the rich young ruler who was reluctant to give up his power and wealth in order to serve Jesus.  We were also challenged to seek the one thing that would cause us to hold back and give that to God. 

  After our club time, we broke up into our small groups (done by van) and went even deeper with the lesson.  After we spent time going deeper for about 40 minutes, we got back together, prayed then headed off to bed.  Tomorrow is going to be a long day and we are all expecting some amazing things to happen!

  Be in prayer for me (Pastor Marv) because I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat and am beginning to lose my voice...don't worry I wasn't yelling or anything, it's just this thing stuck in my throat :)  Also pray for our groups tomorrow to really rely on God and be willing to step up to the plate!  Below is a quick video of Josiah White as he ponders the day right before sleep!

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