Friday, July 9, 2010

LIFE 2010--Day 4

This has been a very exciting day!  We woke up as usual, headed down to the bus and went over to the expo center for some breakfast...which was of course delicious!

Once breakfast was done, it was time for the first session of the day.

  We had a great time of worship which really focused us on the cross of Christ as well as on the freedom we have in God to worship Him and to glorify His name.

  We had a new speaker again today; a Youth Pastor named Jame Grout from Chicago spoke on the collision of faith with our lives.  He opened up to James 1:19-27 where James shares with the church he was writing to (as well as to us) that God desires more of us in the world of faith than just hearing the Word of God.  God desires we actually do what the Bible says, and that in fact true faith will naturally and habitually do what the Bible says!

  James was winsome, funny and very direct.  He brought the truth of God's word in an easy, and very understandable way an yet challenged the teens deeply with what God asked him to preach!

  After the session, we headed to seminars.  Most of our boys headed to a seminar called: "If Jesus Played a Sport..."  Which was taught by a friend of Pastor Marv: Paul Allen.  Paul shared how we as athletes can (and should) use our teams as places where we can share Christ with our actions.

  Next it was on to another delicious meal for Lunch: pasta and garlic bread!  Usually at conferences the food is not good...yet here the food has been stellar, so your teens are being fed well spiritually and physically!

  The schedule here is pretty packed, so right after lunch there was another seminar.  I attended the seminar called "Life Hurts" which was taught by a handsome young man (OK, it was Scott Wakeley) and it was very good.  Scott talked about the hurts that life throws our way and helped the teens see the need of finding out why things are happening and learning how to respond in a Biblical way when they come.

  Next on our schedule was some free time, where the teens hung out at the Nyack College booth and the expo center main area where there is tons to do.

  After the free time we had, we headed to dinner, which was super scrumptious!  We at pulled pork sandwiches and Jo-Jo's (Big Potato fries).  I also snuck a cookie :) 

  Directly after dinner, we had our final session of the evening.  This was titled: The Alliance Youth Project and was a night focused on missions, how we can help the CMA missions and even some ideas of where some teens may be called. 

  This time was POWERFUL and God was certainly among us.  We heard some amazing stories from some of our CMA missionaries.  We also heard a testimony of a young lady who was on an CMA missions trip who was healed from a disease she had which caused her not to walk or see.  It was a powerful time of seeing God at work and desiring to do our best to help!  A lot of teens were hit hard by these stories.  Tomorrow we are going to take an offering for the CMA missions and I hope it is a larger intake than last year (which was $117,000).

  God continues to move in the lives of your teens!

  Sorry for no video today,  there were some complications with the movie that couldn't be resolved until later this afternoon, check back in for the video!

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