Sunday, July 11, 2010

iServe Day 1

Today was a transition day, where our LIFE trip converged with our iServe trip  (thus the picture).

  We all got to sleep in today, which was a God-send.  We were all feeling a bit exhausted so the extra sleep allowed us to catch up a bit of what we lost this past week.

  When we woke up, we put all of our luggage in the lobby and prepared to head out.  Once we packed the vans full of our stuff, we headed over to the park (the same one where we ate pizza the first day)  where we hung out for a small amount of time and got briefed on our next mission.

  We learned of a prayer walk, where we would walk downtown Louisville to our next hotel (which was only 1 mile or so away).  We were all given maps and asked to take our time praying over certain buildings and such along our way.

  Most walks were about 35-40 minutes where we prayed our hearts out for the city of Louisville.  We ended our walk and ate lunch at McDonald's.

  At McDonald's, there was a group of ladies (Anne Kimpel's group) who brought a homeless lady in to feed her.  They had bumped into her on their prayer walk and decided to put action to their prayers and feed this hungry lady!  It was an amazing testimony to our kids and that the transition from conference to service was being completed in their minds.

  After McDonald's, we unloaded the vans, got acquainted to our rooms and got ready to go bowling.  We went bowling (and watched Spain win the world cup!) from about 2:15-5pm. It being a transition day needed a time of fellowship and some "chill" time so we all welcomed the time we had with one another at the bowling alley.

  Once bowling was done, we headed back to our hotel and prepared for dinner.  We had some dinner then a quick briefing meeting from Pastor Scott.  Scott gave a gift to those who made the meeting on time: $5 per person to spend at the local grocery store!  So, Scott just sent us all out to the store and some of us had a free $5 to spend on some snacks to have in our rooms for the remainder of the week...this was super fun!

  After our little shopping trip, we came back and had an awesome time of worship with Jackie Campbell and Josh Blanchard!  We sang, and were encouraged to share with another person who we don't usually hang out with what God was doing in our lives.  We shared for about 15 minutes with each other then convened back to listen to Pastor Scott.

  Scott shared some Scripture and opened the floor to some testimony time, so we could all hear what God was doing in our midst!  This time was probably one of my favorites on the WHOLE trip thus far!  Hearing the stories of what God was doing in the lives of our teens was refreshing and reminded me (Marv) that these moments are why I am in ministry, I am used by God to help these things happen and to witness God's great hand at work in the lives of teens in these precious moments.  We heard story after story of God's work (some I hope to film tomorrow and put on youtube)!

  We shared for a little over an hour; it was totally awesome!

  After our time, of sharing Scott shared a bit more form the Word, encouraged us to stay in God's word and sent us off to bed!

  The first official day of iServe has begun and I am eager to see what it is that God will do next!  Tomorrow is an early day, we start it at 6:10am, where we will feed the homeless both breakfast and lunch.  Keep praying!

  Lastly, go to the youtube account:  to see a video of our "chill time" at the bowling alley!

1 comment:

  1. Mom of the White girls!July 12, 2010 at 12:28 PM

    Godspeed as you all serve!


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