Thursday, May 27, 2010

Family Life at the Nelson's

It’s been awhile since I did a blog about my family, so I decided it’s about dang time! Today is my 4 year anniversary and I am more sure now than I was then that I am the luckiest man on the planet! Hilary is my best friend, my wonderful bride and an amazing mother to our little boy MJ! I am so grateful to the Lord above for her!

This time last year (8:45-9pm) we were enjoying our last few moments of our reception. We were probably scrambling around trying to find the food that was promised us only to find that the servers at our reception hall had scarfed it all down!

We told the hall that the left over food was going with us (Hilary and I of course) so we could eat for the next week. Needless to say we needed to find other eating arrangements!

It was also around this time that Hilary and I noticed that we hadn’t had a piece of our cake. We took little bits of it and smooshed it into each other’s faces …wait I gently placed it in her mouth when she put some on my nose…that’s right! Anyways, we didn’t even get our own piece…nor did we have any left-over to save for the 1 year anniversary.

It was a CRAZY wedding day and in the end none of that stuff mattered anyways; we had each other and that’s all that mattered then and now! God has been so gracious to us and has blessed us with our little Marv Junior (MJ as we most often refer to him).

MJ is now walking and babbling like a champ. He can make doggie noises, bear noises, cat noises, cow noises and sheep noises on command. He is so cute when he does his little bear growl…I think he actually thinks he’s scary but he’s just too darn cute to be scary!

My favorite thing that Hilary and I taught him is his “This is how he dances” impression. This comes from the e-trade babies on the airplane commercial. We got MJ to wave his hand around while pointing his finger every time we say: “This is how he dances!”

There are fewer things greater than being a daddy! I enjoy seeing him grow up, understand things and learn. He is a little bundle of joy that seems to draw people to himself and make them smile…every time!

Watching MJ explore new worlds, experience life and smile at his progress is quite the beautiful thing. I will make sure to keep up with his funny antics on the blog because he is sure to continue to do some crazy and wild things…looking forward to what he will say when he can string along coherent sentences…I’m sure he’s going to be a hoot!

3 Cheers for my wonderful wife: Hilary you are an AMAZING wife and a WONDERFUL mother! Thanks for 4 great years and a lifetime to go!


  1. That was a really nice dedication to Hilary and MJ, Marv. Yes you are very blessed. May I might add that MJ is also a bundle of energy as well. HEHEHE. He is one very precious little dude and a pleasure to have in the nursery. :D

  2. As your mother-in-law, I knew that you would be as wonderful for Hilary as she is for you. That baby is the most precious gift from God as you so eloquently stated. Never forget to take the time to notice all of his little things.


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