Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Map- The Way of All Great Men

 How do Christian men embrace their true masculinity inside of church?  This book seeks to answer just that question.  David Murrow (the author of Why Men Hate Going to Church) desires the church to seek out true masculinity so the church as a whole can stop being so feminine.

  Part Davinci Code part Wild at Heart this book takes men (and woman as well) into the three journey's of a man.  David starts the first half of this book with an espionage story where one man (himself) discovers a secret hidden in code within the pages of the book of Matthew. The code is the Map of all men, the code that once unlocked could bring masculine balance back into the church.  Afterwards, he admits the story never happened but the core truth of the three journeys is true.

  David outlines the journeys as such: The Journey of Submission (towards the feminine) where men once saved choose to submit their lives over to Christ.  This is an ongoing process where men strive to weaken themselves so Christ can fill them.  This resembles the Jesus seen throughout Matthew 1-7 The Journey of Strength (towards the masculine) is the journey where men start speaking boldly and proclaiming truth whether or not it offends people.  This is the strong Jesus seen in Matthew 8-25. and The Journey of Sacrifice (reaching the summit, slightly back towards the feminine).  This journey outlines the finishing well of men.  This is where they start seeing the bigger picture and begin to find replacements for themselves in life.  Humbling themselves to hand over the reigns, share their wisdom and step back.  This is the picture of Jesus Matthew gives us in Matthew 26-28.

  David shows through the Gospel of Matthew, which does have these very strong divides in the character of Jesus, that Jesus went on these three journeys.  David easily catches the attention of the reader and captures the thought of masculinity very well in these three journeys.

  I enjoyed this book so much, that I think I will put together a "Map curriculum" to teach to my Middle School boys.  They need to hear this message, as do MANY churched men!

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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