Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wrestling With Predestination Pt.2

The impetus for this whole discussion was my reading of Mark Driscoll's new book Religion Saves and Nine other Misconceptions. He answers questions on predestination in Chapter 3 (Question 7) of his book.

His answers moved me to search deeply within to see where I stand on this issue. He had many other ideas in other chapters that struck me, but this one I wanted to "go public with" so to speak.

As you can tell from my other "Wrestling With Predestination" Blog I don't have this fully solidified within my own heart, brain of Theological thinking...but I'm working on it.

Mark gives strong Biblical references for his stance on predestination. The evidence is very heavy. Yet I am always stuck with a few lingering thoughts when it comes to this idea of predestination.

Lingering Thought #1: Why should we evangelize if people are predestined?
Mark gives a good answer to this, but I was still left wondering. He explained the "Calvinist" answer to this very briefly, but it was too short for my liking. My thought is in the end: we don't need to evangelize if we are all predestined.

If we are truly predestined, whether the person is evangelized to or the end, they will be saved. I know there are tons of Calvinists who hold to this very thought...and I don't blame them. Mark would say that this brings about an ease when we would evangelize because ultimately we know we are not responsible for that person salvation, God is. He says this idea and thought makes it easier for us to partner with God by not having guilt if someone doesn't accept Christ. However, this same thought can be connected to the Armenian view as well. In the end, we live in a depraved world and we need not feel guilty when someone doesn't come to Christ, because some people will always ultimately CHOOSE evil over God. You see what I did there? I changed a few words in Mark's rebuttal and it made sense within the realm of both views.

I am excited that Mark sees evangelism as a HUGE piece of God's puzzle, but I still get stuck on why it's important if God has already chosen those who will be His in heaven.

There are several passages for predestination...I'm still not ready to throw the baby out with the bath water, but I am authentically sharing WHY the Doctrine of Predestination is hard for me to accept.

Ultimately, if Predestination were the true Doctrine, God would not be unjust for choosing some over others because we all (due to our utter depravity) deserve Hell. However, if we are all predestined and "chosen" why did he even create us? Which leads is my second "Lingering Thought"

Lingering Thought #2: Why would God create us if people are predestined?

The angels are compelled by their nature (which God designed within them) to worship God, and serve Him. They are wired to do so. We see that Lucifer wanted out of this predisposition, so he fought his way out. This then turned into an all out rebellion on the part of some other angels who chose one leader over another. God did not choose for them. Again, now these angels who are in heaven are wired to follow, worship and serve God. They are His. If God were to wire some humans as "Chosen" and others as "Not Chosen", why not make more Angels? I'm not attempting to be heretical, or "question God's motives" but I do wonder the answer to this question...because I've never heard a compelling answer to it.

Ultimately again, God is justified and right to choose some and not others, I'm not saying He is wrong for wanting to create us even if this Doctrine is true...I'm simply being curious.

Next post will be more "Pro Predestination" in nature, because I desire to explore both ideals...I just needed to share my struggles on this road to discovering the Truth God has.

1 comment:

  1. Thought #1: a believer in Predestination would say that regardless of whether or not someone is predestined to choose Christ, we need to obey the scriptures that teach us to evangelize. That God chooses to use us as agents to share his good news with the lost. So it comes down to a matter of obedience on our apart.

    Thought #2: I think this boils down to how a person who has bought into predestination fully views the nature and love of God. Can love be perfectly expressed in an environment that allows for no free choice? I'm over simplifying the debate here, but that's the just of most of the arguments here for and against.


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